“One of the best seminars I’ve been to. The speakers were great and provided so much useful information. I am very glad I purchased the recordings of the summit so I can see the sessions again.”
“One of the best seminars I’ve been to. The speakers were great and provided so much useful information. I am very glad I purchased the recordings of the summit so I can see the sessions again.”
🗹 How to set up your business for success to get you to the other side of the pandemic
🗹 The importance of branding yourself and your business.
🗹 How to increase your digital footprint and social media presence
🗹 How to grow your business with social media & online marketing
🗹 Effective and efficient Rehab practices
🗹 Tools necessary as a landlord/business owner
🗹 Fundamentals of multifamily investing capitalizing on the incredible opportunities coming.
🗹 How to add $500K plus in value to an apartment building.
🗹 The value of podcasting, tips and pros & cons.
Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through content you just don’t need, Real Estate Pros Agent Virtual Summit is delivered entirely online. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to transform your business, or catch them all. It’s up to you!
Our experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies and tactics. If you’re focused on launching or growing your business we’ve got you covered.
Choose the topics you’d like to follow and we’ll keep you up to date with its content, expert advice and exclusive offers.
Real Estate Online Marketing Session
Multi-Unit / Apartment Pros Track
Real Estate Wholesaling / Rehabbing Pros Sessions
Attendees can interact in real-time just by joining a table.
Finally, a virtual conference summit that doesn’t sacrifice the networking experience!
Come join our Panel Discussion and Networking Session!
We couldn’t be more excited about our lineup. Which sessions will you be checking out?
The Fundamentals of Multifamily Investing and Capitalizing on the Incredible Opportunities Coming
How to Explode Your Real Estate Business with Youtube and Facebook
The Importance of Branding Yourself and Your Business
Should I Start a Podcast? Pros and Cons
How to Finance Your Properties During this Challenging Real Estate Market
How to Rent Your Vacancy in This Market
Effective & Efficient Rehab Practices
How to Set Up Your Business For Success on the Other Side of the Pandemic
Guide to Syndications: Apartment/Multifamily
How to Finance Your Properties During this Challenging Real Estate Market
List Stacking to Find Motivated Sellers
Navigating Stock Market Volatility – Including Alternative Assets in Your Retirement Portfolio
How to Rent Your Vacancy in This Market
How We Added $620k in Value to our Apartment Building in 1.5 years
Tools You Need as a Landlord / Business Owner
We’re proudly supported by these amazing brands.
Founder of Real Estate Life 360
Marketing Pro at K Madison
“I saw a need for professionals to form a virtual community and for businesses to transform and innovate.
As a business owner myself, I found that technology, social media and online marketing can be overwhelming with so many options.
After spending tens of thousands of dollars and hours of my time trying out various platforms and services and it was certainly draining. However, sampling different services/products and being a real estate professional has given me insight into what can work. Real Estate Life 360 and Real Estate Pros Virtual Summit was created to educate, inspire and support professionals so that they can build a business to support their team and their families.”
– Paul Kim
Join our Virtual Summit that doesn’t sacrifice the networking experience.
Watch to Learn. Join Panel Discussion. Expand your Network.